Immigration Services Officer sollicitatievragen


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US Citizenship and Immigration Services
Er werd een Immigration Services Officer gevraagd...14 maart 2016

How do you deal with difficult situations?

2 antwoorden

By maintaining my composure and being professional

By find out as much as information as i can...

US Citizenship and Immigration Services

Tell me a time when you did not meet eye to eye with supervisor or someone you've worked with. How did you handle it?

1 antwoorden

Discussed how communication and an open mind is key. Listen to everyone's side and try to come to a compromise. Minder

US Citizenship and Immigration Services

Asks questions from 1982 Life Skills ninth grade class like "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" Make sure to answer right away with "They are..."

1 antwoorden

I lost points because I didn't cut to the chase. Yes, there are points. Subjective to luck of who your interviewers would be. Minder

US Citizenship and Immigration Services

I had a telephone interview with a panel of three manager's. Seven standard performance based questions were asked. Have you ever had a disagreement with your supervisor? If so, what was it and what was the outcome?

1 antwoorden

I mentioned a time where the manager told me I closed a case incorrectly and I pointed out the correct way per the policy and procedures that the manager was not aware of. Minder

US Citizenship and Immigration Services

Discuss a time you had to learn a new technology, and how well did you adapt to the use.

1 antwoorden

I recently applied for ISO at Dallas, I was referred to the hiring managers but have not heard anything in regards to an interview is this normal? Minder

US Citizenship and Immigration Services

Why do you want to work for USCIS.

1 antwoorden

Hi, could you please tell me a little bit about the practical writing test?

US Citizenship and Immigration Services

Why do you want to work for this agency? What previous experience makes you suitable for this position? How do you deal with conflict in the workplace? What would you do if you emphasize with a case but can not legally grant citizenship? Etc.

1 antwoorden

You should plan ahead and be able to provide specific examples or stories that demonstrate your strengths and how they relate to the needs of the position. Minder


- previous role in last 3 years - was I more than 3 months living abroad - how do I describe myself to fit for the role - attendance around the year, - salary description - interview face to face next February 20th

1 antwoorden

answered all questions as possible as I can in a good manner, hopefully I delivered to Mr. Will the accurate and honest replies. Minder

US Citizenship and Immigration Services

Tell me about a time you had to deal with an angry customer?

1 antwoorden

Just tell them an incident where you were extremely lenient to a customer. No personal attacks to customer and how good you are at ‘listening’. Minder

US Citizenship and Immigration Services

why do you want to work in USCIS?

1 antwoorden

how do you feel teamwork?

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